If one is to believe the fashion plates of the Eighteenth Century, Europe was populated entirely by exquisitely dressed dandies in sumptuous silks and velvet.
We know however that this was not the case and on the whole, the population trudged around in worthy wools and linens or even both together as the quaintly named cloth, linsey-woolsey.
This waistcoat is currently only made up in a selection of odds and ends.
We will be introducing repeatable lines but for now these pieces are only made in small quantities.
Fabric Composition:
Brown Wool Fleck - Main Fabric = 30% Wool, 55% Polyester, 10% PC + Lining = 100% Cotton
Grey Herringbone - Main Fabric = 50% Wool, 40% Polyester, 5% Viscose, 5% PC + Lining = 100% Cotton
Wine Pebble - Main Fabric = 50% Wool, 40% Polyester, 10% PC + Lining = 100% Cotton
Moss Green- Main Fabric = 100% Wool + Lining = 100% Cotton
Gold Herringbone- Main Fabric = 100% Wool + Lining = 100% Cotton
Aubergine Herringbone- Main Fabric = 100% Wool + Lining = 100% Cotton
Coffee Herringbone. Main Fabric = 100% Wool + Lining = 100% Cotton